Filter all "not ON" statuses: Off, Not-Installed, Not Reported.
Not yet complete, but here are the first changes neede to implement a checkmark in filters for monitoring/reporting on all statuses, except Auto-Protect = on. So this includes: Auto-Protect=off, not installed or not reported.
<SEPM Home>\\Php\Include\Inventory\inventory-input.php:
line 21, add after this:
<input name="filOnOff" type="hidden" id="filOnOff" value="<? echo $filOnOff;?>">
one extra input, resulting in:
<input name="filOnOff" type="hidden" id="filOnOff" value="<? echo $filOnOff;?>">
<input name="filApNotOn" type="hidden" id="filApNotOn" value="<? echo $filApNotOn;?>">
File <SEPM Home>\Php\Include\Inventory\inventory-sqlfilter.php
after lines 133-136:
$queryOnOff=optimize_checkbox_neg($filOnOff, "SA.AP_ONOFF");
if ($queryOnOff) {
add another 4 lines, resulting in:
$queryOnOff=optimize_checkbox_neg($filOnOff, "SA.AP_ONOFF");
if ($queryOnOff) {
$queryAPNotOn = $filAPNotOn=='on' ? "SA.AP_ONOFF != 1" : "";
if ($queryAPNotOn) {
and after line 320:
include one new line, resulting in:
You are not finished, see next parts.