Bugfix in I18nInventory.php
Found in version 12.1.5.
If you find this error in the reporting log found at:
<...>\Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager\apache\logs\reporting.log
If the reporting.log contains many logs like:
<date> <time> ERROR:I18nInventory could not translate key:
<date> <time> ERROR:I18nInventory could not translate key:
<date> <time> ERROR:I18nInventory could not translate key:
<date> <time> ERROR:I18nInventory could not translate key:
then you can fix this by looking at <SEPM>\Php\Include\Inventory\I18nInventory.php
line 24
add a preemtive return as first statement in:
global $I18nInventoryArr;
if ((strpos($key, "BDATA_OS_TYPE") >0) && strlen($key)>19 ) {
global $I18nInventoryArr;
if (empty($key)) { return $key; }
if ((strpos($key, "BDATA_OS_TYPE") >0) && strlen($key)>19 ) {
And the errors will disappear.