I am after a bit of advice and to know if what I would like to do is possible and the best way of doing it.
Currently I have one lookup LDAP plugin.
Which extracts the name, email address and AD username (of the format AB12345) to 3 custom attributes and adds it to an incident
The attribute mapping is below.
attr.Employee\ Email=:(|(mail=$sender-email$)(sAMAccountName=$endpoint-user-name$)(givenName=$sender-email$)):mail
This works perfectly however I would like to add additional departmental and managerial information from a CSV source as well AFTER the LDAP/AD custom attributes are populated (particularly the UserID attribute). The CSV source has a key where the unique value per record is the AD username (AB12345)
So my question is:
Since the original dlp incident does not contain the AD username information (UserID attribute) and it is only added to the incident after the first lookup plugin is activated. Can I use this now populated UserID custom attribute to then match the AD username (UserID) from my CSV source and thereby populate the rest of the custom attributes fields ?
Eg incident after 1st lookup plugin (LDAP source)
Name: Joe Bloggs
Employee Email:
UserID: JB12345
Manager: <Blank>
Department: <Blank>
Manager Email: <Blank>
Eg incident after 2nd lookup plugin (CSV source)
Name: Joe Bloggs
Employee Email:
UserID: JB12345
Manager: Fred Smith
Department: Customer Service
Manager Email:
Thanks in advance for the help.
Kind Regards,